Nowadays, the government is struggling to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Large companies such as PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. are ordered to suppress the spread of the virus among its workers. PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. performs the order and directly communicates it with each regional office. One of them is PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Regional Office Denpasar. Therefore, they should execute good data management to manage and monitor the spread of COVID-19 effectively. This final project will discuss a web-based management information system development to manage the daily progress of COVID-19 infection case in the respective work unit. It will regulate the data delivery from the work unit to the regional office Denpasar, the automation of data processing, the report of the daily COVID-19 progress, and the time-management of data processing. So, the data produced will be complete and accurate within the efficient duration.