Every element of our life is influenced by our communities. We have communities among our friends, families, co-workers, neighbours, and a variety of other places. We find community in the farming group we support and appreciate, as well as in the foods we enjoy [1]. The sense of community connects us. There are some lobster communities in Indonesia which basically they can still connect and exchange information using the social media like Facebook or WhatsApp, and not many applications or website that support those communities. Commercial lobster farming isn't all that popular yet, largely because of the lobster's tendency towards cannibalism and the slow growth of the species.
Commercial lobster farming is a valuable business. Commercial lobster production is a relatively new industry. It's a relatively new business concept, yet a modern commercial farming practice has existed since the early twentieth century. It is critical that everyone have a sense of community. Families and companies can benefit from a growing community in a variety of ways. A local community can substantially boost our welfare and increase our contentment in daily life at a time when technology both links and separates us.
In this application the users can check the information of its own where it designed for people or group that farming the lobster and they can store the information about related to lobster they have, lobster ages, size, and quantity which they have. With this application, which can be supporting the lobster community and make it easy to manage to provide more opportunity for growth and experiences.