Simalungun Protestant Christian Church (GKPS) is one of ethnic church, Batak Simalungun. The church does a lot of building development, especially in the Sidikalang, North Sumatera. The name of the church is GKPS Sidikalang II. As long as the church was established, the church did not have an official website for its ministry. Especially during a pandemic, the government allowed places of worship can open, for limited people, limited permitted activities, in a manner that is safe and in line with social distancing guidelines. With the limited people regulation, many church members that arrived at the church have to go home and attend online worship because of lack of information about the quota. So, information media is needed to get information without going to church.
This research is aimed to design a dynamic and effective website to fulfill the church’s needs for information. The website will consist of various menus that adjusted with the users’ needs such as home, about, Sunday service schedule, church finance, intercession, new church member registration, offline worship registration, article, and contact.
Through the development of this website, users can get more accurate information about the church during this pandemic and effective information for offline worship. Users can also see worship schedules, service schedules, and new church members who want to join can register through the website.