Media companies are companies that provide information or news about certain matters
to the general public through cable news networks, national newspapers, entertainment,
programs, articles, documentaries, and editorials. In the current era, media companies do not
only share news or events through cable networks or newspapers, media companies can also
provide news or events through their social media accounts, such as the company's official
website or web portal, Instagram, TikTok and other platforms in order to reach their target
customers. PT. Indoesports is part of a media company in Indonesia where this company also
follows technological developments in reaching its target consumers such as sharing news or
events through the company's social media platforms. But now PT. Indoesports does not have
a system for create and manage all contents on the Indoesports social media platform.
This final project will discuss the development of a system for create and manage
content on PT. Indoesports. This system, which was developed in the form of a website, is
intended for social media specialists PT. Indoesports at work or it can also be called this
system is the workplace for social media specialists. This system function for social media
specialist PT. Indoesports in creating content, selecting content to publish on the company's
social media platforms, and creating social media specialists PT. Indoesports can coordinate
well with each other.