TK Negeri 04 Kraetif is a kindergarten located in Bongo Nol Village, Paguyaman
District, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province . One of the obstacles that occurred in TK
Kreatif was the problems of student reporting that was less effective and efficient, which was
still conventionally in the form of report cards that had not been implemented in the form of a
system, seeing this, I think TK Kreatif needs a system will be made web-based using PHP
Programming language and JavaScript, MySQL as the database and 4D ( Define, Design,
Develop, and Disseminate) as the system development method don’t forget whatsapp as
media for reporting teachers to parents of students. This system can also print reports in pdf
format, this system is expected to be useful for TK Kreatif students and parents of students in
obtaining report card grade information and making the annual student reporting process
more effective and efficient digitally or computerized, neat and efficient. This system also
aims to reduce and minimize excessive paper use.