It is discovered that the supply chain management division, or more specifically,
Integrated Business Planning (IBP), only has one member serving as a supervisor and assist
by one Intern to handle many task that still carried out by manually at the company with a
huge size like PT APL Indonesia. IBP has a scoring system that includes input scoring,
which gives value for accuracy in submitting specific documents, next is process scoring
that gives value to each participant's attendance at monthly meetings, and another scoring
system which gives value for each division's work results called output scoring. The
division must open numerous documents and programs to complete each of these scoring
processes, and the process is still carried out manually.
By existence of this application, the IBP division can do almost practically all of its
processes could be completed in a single excel-VBA file. Long-running processes can be
shortened by up to 70% compared to their initial duration. Another feature of this
application is the ability to complete a whole process by simply clicking one button.
Based on Excel-VBA, which is intimately familiar to the Supply Chain Planning
division's users, enabling it to be utilized and comprehended with ease. With this
application, IBP supervisors who previously required interns to complete manual tasks can
now eliminate the need for interns to be replaced every six months.