Salary is remuneration in the form of money received by employees as a
consequence of their status as an employee who contributes to achieving company
goals [1] so that it can be said that payroll is an important activity because it involves
obligations that must be given by the company to the rights of its employees. Because
of the importance of this payroll activity, every company always wants to minimize
errors, but with data processing that is still done manually it causes frequent errors
from recording attendance due to an unorganized database or calculation errors from
HRD or Finance. Shining Sunrise Resources Sdn. Bhd. which is a container repair
company which oversees several other companies under it also still processes payroll
activities manually, it lead to inefficient due to numbers of employees working in
this company is quite a lot, besides that it is also prone to inaccuracies from various
parties. The phenomenon of technological progress that is currently increasing
rapidly can certainly be used to help payroll problems experienced by several
companies, one of which is Shining Sunrise Resources Sdn. Bhd. This research aims
to improve the previous payroll system to be adapted to the web, not only the problem
of calculating salary and attendance but also the problem of leave and reimbursement
will be easier if the database is integrated so that the handling of these activities can
be more time efficient and minimize errors. In addition to minimizing web payroll
errors, it is also hoped that it can reduce the company's dependence on paper and
speed up the flow of information which will allow employees, HRD or Finance to
easily connect with each other to be more up to date.