PT Jamsostek is an own-stated company that provides insurance for the employee participant and one of the insurance that company provide is work related accident benefit (Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja). In managing work related accident benefit fund, there are contribution collection process as company cash receipt, and claiming process as the company cash disbursement that need to be ensured by the management to prevent from misappropriation procedure. Thus, work related accident benefit fund needs to be managed properly by implement good internal control. This is qualitative research using study case model and for the data gathering and processing are done by literature review and field research. In field research method, the writer collects the data through interview, documentation and observation. The scope of this research is limited on control activities and control environment. From the research, the writer has found some strengths and weaknesses. The strengths are the company already the company has a written organization structure, the company has development program for its employees, the company has monitoring system for employees performance that call “Key Performance Indicator”, proper authorization in every transaction and activities, there is a segregation of duty, the company has a standard procedure for collection and claiming process, the company has monitoring system for collection process. The weaknesses are company participants are often late in paying contribution payment and there is a broker in certain claim period To overcome the problems, the company should cooperate with the bank and the participants to implement the auto-debit procedure, should assign the Account Officer to follow up the participant more intensively to remind the payment date, the company hire more staff to fill the CSO counters.