This study aims to analyze the relationship of Phubbing, employee engagement and
motivation to the performance of Y generation employees. The population used in
this study were all millennial generation employees in Jakarta with an age range of
18-37 years. This study used 100 generation Y employees as respondents in the
Jakarta area. The method used in this study is quantitative and uses multiple linear
regression. Meanwhile, sample collection uses an unknown population in its
analysis and the distribution of questionnaires using google form, to analyze data
using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics using the Likert Scale
method in processing questionnaire data. The results showed that phubbing had a
significant and positive influence on employee performance with a significance
value of 0.005. Employee engagement has a significant and positive influence on
employee performance with a significance value of 0,000. Motivation does not
have a significant influence on employee performance, in order to maintain the
performance of generation Y employees, it is necessary to pay attention to
phubbing and employee engagement aspects.