Music is becoming a growing industry in the global scale. People preference towards
music, the taste, style and genre of music is changing rapidly throughout this
globalization era. In music sector, globally has been highly competitive as in this era,
digital platform helps people in keeping update to music from all around the globe.
The purpose of this research is to make a new dominant factors in people preference
toward music which the use of Social Value, Self-Affirmation Value, FunctioningEnhancement Value, Entertainment Value, and Therapeutic Value as the variables
that will be used in this research. Questionnaires is distributed personally to
International Relation students in President University who has heard or listen to a
non-Indonesian music, then the data obtained will be analysed with factor analysis
method by using SPSS version21. The result found three dominant factors namely
Mood Influencer, Enhance Artistic, and Voicing Communication.