Purpose: This research aims to examine the influence of endorsers toward online purchase
intention in the context of visibility, trustworthiness, credibility, attractiveness, power and
Method: This research applied quantitative method. The questionnaire was distributed
through Google Form and data was collected using the Likert Scale of 1 to 7. The surveys is
conducted on young adults whose age ranging from 16 to >45. The respondents of this
research are people who have bought clothes online because it is influenced by any
influencers within 6 months. The data was gathered through random sampling technique and
the sample gather around 289 samples. Multiple Analysis Regressions was employed to test
the relationship between independent and dependent variable.
Findings: The results were concluded that visibility, attractiveness, trustworthiness and
credibility have influence on purchase intention. While match-up was found to have a
negative effect on purchase intention.