The threat posed by the terrorist groups, including the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) in the Philippines has raised the government’s counter-terrorism effort. President Duterte on the Philippines National Security Policy (NSP) of 2017-2022 has declared that the ASG is one of the strongest terrorist group that has caused severe socio-political and economic disruptions in the country. In attempt to counter the ASG and other terrorist groups the government has written on the NSP some approach to be implemented involving concerned law enforcement agencies and enhance international cooperation. Hence, this thesis discussed the implementation of the Philippines NSP in countering the Abu Sayyaf Group under the administration of President Duterte. The author found that since the implementation of those approaches, there have been decreasing in the number of the ASG militants and the attacks done by this groups. However, the government still worry on the retaliation of the remaining member groups. Hence the government will stay steadfast to face the possible attacks and terror launched by the ASG. Lastly, the research is constructed by using the Concept of Threat Perceptions by Robert O. Tilman and Securitization theory.