Pelet48 is one of a bait for fishing from Bandung. Pelet48 nowadays is one of the favorite pelet
in the market because the price and its effective for fishing. The researcher want to rebrand
Pelet48 because for now the ...
Penelitian ini untuk menganalisa unsur-unsur penipuan pada lowongan kerja
online menurut KUHPidana dan UU Nomor 11 Tahun 2011dan penerapan
Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2011 dalam upaya menegakan hukum dan
menanggulangi ...
The E-NID application in Indonesia has been distracted regarding to the corruption of Setya
Novanto as the suspect of the E-NID corruption case. Government tried hard to solve this
problem by gathered the suspects and ...
The development of Iran nuclear led to international community concern. It
is because there was a possibility of Iran developing nuclear weapons that will
threating several regions. United States and P5+1 countries already ...
The changing security environment surrounding Japan has
brought Japan to become more enhance in shaping its security
direction. Following the newest revision of Japan‟s National
Security Strategy and National Defense ...
RIZKI, MUHAMMAD MAULANA(President University, 2019)
Culture is one of the important assets of a country, including for the People’s Republic of China
(PRC). The rise of the PRC after its economic reform in 1978 was seen as a threat by many
countries, especially for Western ...
Nowadays, the South China Sea has been identified with increasing defense
spending and military modernization of the neighboring countries which are
driven by China’s assertive behavior in the region. China’s assertiveness ...
Maksud dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kualitas pelayanan publik bidang
pengelolaan opini dan informasi publik kota Bekasi. Kualitas pelayanan publik ditinjau dari
indikator tangibles, responsiveness, ...
Dunia perfilman saat ini telah mengalami perkembangan yang begitu pesat dengan
adanya teknologi digital. Pada jaman modern seperti sekarang ini semua orang dapat
dengan mudah membuat sebuah film menggunakan kamera digital ...
Barbershop is an innovation or development of fashion in human history, where particularly in Jakarta it is used to be called
a ‘Tukang Cukur’. In the olden days the business of barbering started from the traveling barber, ...
Presenting director concepts as the focus of the creation of the final
task, where directing is one of the most important elements in
every production of television, film and theater programs. Directing
is responsible ...
This topic explain about how director’s role in determining shots for a
film in a dramatic scene. All the explanation here are coming from
experts in filmmaking. The researcher here also concern more on the
specific ...
Penelitian ini membahas tentang penyusunan shooting schedule dalam produksi film.
Cukup banyak karya film yang dihasilkan tidak sesuai dengan rancangan produksi dan
visi pembuatnya karena mengabaikan pentingnya penyusunan ...
In this modern era, technology holds the biggest role in human life.
Everything becomes practical, people can buy anything in anytime with
technology. PT ASTRA AVIVA LIFE utilizes the technology to bring a new
way to ...
Film dikenal sebagai sebuah media hiburan yang memuat komunikasi berupa cerita,
pesan, budaya, seni, sastra, dan gesture yang menimbulkan kesan estetis. Dalam
membuat film ada hal yang harus diperhatiakan yaitu, gambar ...
Indonesia tourism defines as a medium in implementing public diplomacy conducted by Indonesian Government. In public diplomacy, Indonesian Government through Indonesia Tourism Ministry delivers message directly and/or ...
People's live require movement and movement in various activities, including in the field of transportation. By the nature of urban society in general is dynamic, which is always moving and adapting to changes or existing ...
The first step in making a movie is writing the script. This stage is the pre-production stage, where ideas for the film are developed and made into scenes. A script is the scenes, places, situations, and dialogue in a ...
The advances in technology have changed the way people express themselves, especially their feelings. The changes of the way people express their feelings by using social media have shifted people’s preferences in expressing ...
Scenarios are made to convey the author's story ideas as a reference in production. A film scenario is an arrangement of scenes containing narrative elements that can be conveyed through film media. The three-act structure ...