Indonesia and Malaysia lead the Palm Oil industry with 85% of the total Palm Oil
production in the world. Palm Oil to be known as a commodity in boosting Indonesia
and Malaysia economic development due to the global demand that increase every year.
Hence, in maintain the sustainability of Palm Oil Indonesia and Malaysia cooperated
in established Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries in order to Promoting Palm
Oil nationally and internationally and to be engage with the other producing countries.
Thus, this thesis using qualitative method so the data would be from official government
report, speeches, books, journals, official sites, and official news and will give deep
explanation on how both countries are cooperate in conducting CPOPC projects as
their national interest in palm oil sustainability. Through CPOPC that established in
2015 Indonesia and Malaysia are cooperate in increasing the number of Palm Oil
production and land, increase the Palm Oil workers and stabilize CPO price in line
with the CPOPC project which conduct by Indonesia and Malaysia through planned
the Palm Oil Green Economic Zone (POGEZ), Implementing Good Agricultural
Practice (GAP), B20 policy, and joining public forum with the International