Globalization causes the industrial and information era to develop in massive ways to produce and distribute goods for human needs using big trucks. Due to massive transportation passing by, it is also required to monitor the the level of gases pollutants that can endanger the human respiratory system. This work presents the integrated sensor consists of Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+ that can monitor 3 different parameters such as CO, CO2, and NH3 to monitor the industrial area in Lippo Cikarang for the measurement. For monitoring system, the author uses Node-RED for implementing the internet of things system. For gas sensor, author uses MQ-135 air quality sensor to detect 3 gases parameters which have been mentioned with graphs. The main goal of this work is to contribute data for monitoring system of gas pollutants in industrial and residential areas. The experiment has been successfully done where table and graph are shown to be analyzed and summarized. Measurement results are then compared with the environmental air quality standard. As conclusion, the average level of ppm in industrial area for CO2 is 30 ppm, for NH3 is 28.9 ppm, and for CO is 27.08 ppm. While, the average level of ppm in residential area for CO2 is 21.32 ppm, for NH3 is 19.3 ppm, and for CO is 20.93 ppm.
Jetri: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro, Vol. 17, No. 1, Agustus 2021, Hlm. 96 - 123