Indonesia as the largest archipelagic state have a vast territorial water that are very
resourceful whether renewable and unrenewable resources. Yet, the insecurity to
its maritime domain exists in many forms, one of many insecurities that faced by
Indonesia is the issue of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing or IUU
Fishing. Not only harming the sustainability but IUU Fishing may also resulted in
smuggling, piracy and other harming activities. Sea of Sulawesi has become a red
zone for IUU Fishing activities done by both foreign and national fishing vessels.
This study will discuss further how Indonesia implement the Blue Economy
Principles as the protection from IUU Fishing especially in the Sea of Sulawesi.
This study uses the methodology of Maritime Security introduce by Christian
Buerger and using other literature to support the study. Through the research,
writer have concluded that Indonesia have implement the Blue Economy Principle
through the prohibition of fishing gear such as trawls and seine nets and making
the zoning plan to conserve the water areas to protect the ecosystem and prevent
overfishing. Not only issuing regulations to deter IUU Fishing, but Indonesia also
projects its power capacity through the monitoring activities of SATGAS 115 and
sinking the IUU Fishing vessels through the court decision