In 2016, The UK’s held its second referendum to ask people of the UK about the membership
of the UK in the European Union. This referendum affects the relation between the UK and
the EU that has been made for approximately 40 years. The result of the referendum is the
UK will leave the European Union because the majority votes for ‘leave’ the Union. The rise
of Euroscepticism especially in the UK has a big role in the referendum and also the
campaign for the referendum. The analysis will use Populism and also Regionalism which
focuses on the relationship between the UK and the EU, The UK’s second referendum
(known as Brexit Referendum), and also the rise of Euroscepticism in Britain. Regionalism
theory will cover the relation of European Union and the United Kingdom that cause the rise
of Euroscepticism and populism is the way Eurosceptic group in Britain use to win the
campaign and fulfill their objectives to make the UK leave the EU.