The humanitarian crisis faced by the Rohingya ethnic group has made them seek refuge in
other countries, which can cause problems in other countries. Indonesia became one of the
stopover countries for the Rohingya Ethnic; as a country that did not ratify the 1951
Convention and 1967 Protocol, Indonesia certainly does not have the responsibility to
accommodate these asylum seekers, but on humanitarian grounds, Indonesia finally allowed
Rohingya to enter Indonesia as a stopover country. Since there is no law governing Rohingya
refugees who first arrived in Aceh, Indonesia, in 2015, what steps were made by the
Indonesian government in dealing with and handling Rohingya refugee cases in Indonesia in
the Rohingya case study in Aceh in 2017-2022? The method used in this thesis is qualitative;
the data was obtained from interviews with IOM Aceh and the Aceh Provincial Social
Service, as well as books and other library sources. The results of Indonesia's research at the
end of 2016 issued presidential regulation number 125 of 2016 concerning the handling of
foreign refugees; it was found that the regulation did not fulfill one of the concepts of human
security, namely economic security, due to Indonesia not being a state which had ratified the
1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol. Furthermore, the acceptance of Rohingya refugees by
the Aceh government occurred because Aceh had experienced conflict in the past and
religious similarities. Although there has been a president's regulation to handle refugees
from abroad, the regulation is still lacking in detail, so the proposal to make a specific
Qanun regarding handling Rohingya refugees in Aceh is recommended.