In the development of Labour Law, Regulation No 13 Year 2003 that contained every single part of labour. But now days, we regularey heard about Bonding Services, either in government sector or private sector. As we know, a Bonding Services is a common things that actually happened in the worlds of worker. Usually Bonding Services is an agreement between two parties, that is the employe and the employees who made an commitment to do a Bonding Services. But if we look again to the Regulation No 13 year 2003, there are no specific rules that containd and mantained about Bonding Services. This is absolutely born the legal gap between the rules it self, that Regulation No 13 year 2003 and the reality that we found it in daily activity.
To combating this legal gap, the authors would like to made a research study at Kompas Gramedia, specificly the terms and mechanism Bonding Services that implemented in Kompas Gramedia. In a various type of bonding services, the authors decided to choose “Account Executive Development Program” as her object to research study in related to Bonding Services in Kompas Gramedia.