Indonesia is a developing country that has Jakarta as it capital city, which make
Jakarta as the biggest city in Indonesia. Jakarta has a big number of populations,
there are more than ten million people who are living in Jakarta and those
numbers of people keep growing. The growing of population makes the culinary
industry can be said as the promising industry in Indonesia. Food is a basic need
of human being. The entrepreneurs of culinary industry bring more innovation to
attract more customers. Themed restaurants formed as the innovation in culinary
industry. Unfortunately, this industry has it up and down during the time. This
research analyzes the customer purchase behavior of themed restaurant in North
Jakarta. The limitation for this research take customers of themed restaurant that
have been dine-in in at least one themed restaurant in North Jakarta. In this
research, researcher use quantitative analysis with factor analysis method to
analyze 100 respondents of the questionnaires that spread by the researcher.
There are four factors contributing in customer purchase behavior such as cultural,
social, personal and psychological. Those four factors formed 20 variables and
from validity test, there are two invalid variables and left 18 variables to extract.
Those 18 variables are extracted to 5 latent variables as the output. 5 latent
variables termed as psychology, culture, personality, friend, and family. Friend
and family are formed from the same factor, which is social factor. The most
dominant latent factor is psychology with 28.879% of variance; 20.253% of
extraction; and reliability value of 0.889.