This research is aimed to determine the relationship between customer experiences and customer’s loyalty in CGV Cinema Hung Vuong Plaza in Ho Chi Minh City- Vietnam. Non- probability design with convenience sampling technique was used to select the sample. The author used quantitative research methodology with multiple linear regression analysis method. The SPSS software was used as a tool to analyze the data. According to the findings, the result of F – test, customer experiences has significant relationship to customer loyalty in CGV Cinema- branch in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam or in the other words education experience, entertainment experience, esthetic experience and escapism experience simultaneously influence to customer loyalty. According to the t- test result, entertainment experience, esthetic experience and escapism experience partially influence to customer loyalty in CGV Cinema- branch in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, meanwhile education experience has no significant relationship with customer’s loyalty. The coefficient of determination R2 value of the regression model is 0.734 means 73.4% of the variation in customer loyalty as dependent variable is explained by the variation of independent variables education experience, entertainment experience, esthetic experience and escapism experience, whereas the other 26.6% is explained by other factors. CGV should focus more on customer loyalty programs, technology development in order to deliver the great and memorable customer experiences and build a long lasting customers’ loyalty.