This study explored the analysis of transportation, distribution center area and inventory that influence delivery efficiency of logistic management. PT. Nestle Indonesia has several issues such as dispersed customer, damage products, distance and road condition created problems of delivery efficiency of logistic management in PT Nestle Indonesia. PT Nestle Indonesia joint venture with PT GAC logistics Ocean try to deliver products as good as efficient but the elaboration above would be a bit of an obstacle in the process of fulfilling the customer's needs. The result of this research shows the most dominant variable is distribution center area and in the analysis that all variable (Transportation, Distribution Center Area, and Inventory) in this research have significant influence towards delivery efficiency. In this research, the data collected are primary data, by spreading questioner to the 71 respondents. Inside the questioner, tool for measure the degree of agreement from respondents is Likert Scale. Test that include in quantitative analysis are reliability and validity test, classical assumptions test, and linear multiple regression to conclude the hypothesis testing through F-test, T-test, and coefficient determination (R2).