The smartphone users’ growth is accelerating every year. Apple with its latest iPhone 5 has been proved to not performing as good as the competitor, but iPhone 5 still top the smartphone sales in 2013. The purpose of this research to analyze the effect of Brand Awareness (X1), Perceived Quality (X2), Brand Loyalty (X3), and Brand Association (X4) to Purchase Decision (Y) of Apple iPhone. In this study, data were collected through questionnaires to 150 respondents using non probability incidental sampling method to determine the response of respondents of each variable. Then analyze the data obtained in the form of quantitative analysis such as validity and reliability test, descriptive statistics, classic assumption test, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination (R²), T-test, and F-test. Results of the analysis show that all of four factors positively influencing the purchasing decision. Hypothesis testing using T-test showed that brand loyalty is proved to have the most significant influence towards purchasing decision. However, brand association proved to be not significantly influence purchasing decision. Then through the F test showed that the variable brand awareness, perceived quality, brand loyalty, and brand association as a whole brand equity dimensions has a significant influence to the purchasing decision.