Growing an International Business will take high consideration. One of business system applied is licensing system where a company operates in other country by giving permission to a party to be fully operated by using the original system agreed. Starbucks is a brand that using this business system with mass raid store growth worldwide. The researcher would like to know what factors affects Starbucks and which two factors is the most dominant factors. The researcher bordered the research for the area of Lippo Cikarang, which is located in Bekasi region, Indonesia and scooping the research to batch 2011 of Management Student of President University. The method that being utilize is the factor analysis using 7P theory which is broke down into some variables. The researcher is utilizing the SPSS v20.0, Microsoft Excel 2010 and questionnaires as the tools for assessing the data. After the process of factor analysis had done, the researcher doing the descriptive analysis in order to interpret the results. By the Starbucks is also in the service industry the researcher found that People element, Process element and Product element are two major and the most element from 7P theory that affecting the most towards the expected factors of the Starbucks service performance. Those factors affects up to 34.544% with the two main considerations at most: People and Process element.