Blackberry Ltd. has failed to maintain its innovation in fulfilling customers’ needs that lead the company into recession in share market towards 2013. This fact also supported by the recession of Blackberry sales performance in Indonesia. These facts were inspiring researcher to discover the impact Blackberry sales recession in Indonesia, especially in youth perspective. In this case, the object of research that was observed is Blackberry Curve series. Variables used in this research are Product Characteristics (X1), Promotion (X2) and Brand Image (X3) towards Buying Decision (Y). The statistical test to analyze this research is by using Classical Data Assumption and Multiple Linear Regression using Descriptive Analysis, T-Test and F-Test. According to the result, there will be a positive contribution about 0.679 points from variable Brand Image (X3) towards Buying Decision (Y). Besides Multiple Regression Analysis, T-test result is proving that there is only one variable that have significant influence towards the dependent variable, which is Brand Image (X3) that has a score below significance level 0.05. The F-test result is proving that all the variables used in the research is simultaneously having significant influence towards the dependent variable. In conclusion, Blackberry Ltd. can improve its sales performance by concerning in brand image.