The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of promotion and brand
image toward purchasing decision on Panasonic AC where this research take case
study at Kemang Pratama Residence I, RT 01-03 / RW 022, Bekasi. From this
research shows that buying decision on Panasonic AC is still low and those
independent variables have significant influence to buying decision. In this
research, promotion and brand image give significant influence as partially and
simultaneously. This research using quantitative methodology and conducted
according to marketing mix theory (4Ps) with focus on promotion merely and
brand theory with focus on brand image merely. Besides,this researchconducted
about consumer behavior with focus on purchasing decision. The data were
obtained by doing observation and distributing questioner to 85 respondents.
Processing data conducted through questioner using SPSS (Statistic Product and
Service Solution) version 16 by conducting several tests such as : validity test,
reliability test, data classic assumption test, F test, T test, coefficient
determination test, and multiple regression analysis. According to multiple
regressions analysis shows the formula for this research : Y = 0.457 X1 + 0.472
X2 , where Y = buying decision, X1 = promotion and X2 = brand image.
Through this formula shows that X1 and X2 have positive correlation toward
buying decision on Panasonic AC. The coefficient determinant (R Square) on this
test is 0.74 means that independent variables can influence dependent variable
about 74% and the rest which 26% is influenced by the other factors. F-Test in
this research show that independent variables simultaneously give influence to
dependent variable with significance level 0.00 and F value 120.2. For T-test,
shows that every independent variable has influence to buying decision partially
and significance value below 0.05, X1 and X2 = 0.00 which means those
independent variables have significant influence toward buying decision on
Panasonic AC partially.