Furniture is one of the human necessary which can give the impression of artistic and functional in any room of any building. A variety of raw materials for the furniture are also offered so that consumers can choose according to their needs and wants. UD. Karangjati Furniture is a furniture company in medium-scale that manufactures a variety of minimalist teak furniture that has the potential to develop. This research aims to identify the internal and external factors affecting the business and recommend the alternative strategies to address the problems faced by company. The data collection began in October to December 2012 at UD. Karangjati Furniture located in Bekasi, West Java.
Internal Analysis (IFE) produces the main strength which is having brand advantage and quality of goods, with scores of 0.376. As for the main weakness which owned by this business unit is the Quality Control process that has not been performing well with scores of 0.149. The merging of two internal factors resulted in a total average score of 2.519.
External Analysis (EFE) produces the main opportunity that can be exploited by UD. Karangjati Furniture to face the competition is the quality of teak wood that has been known since before with score of 0.314. The main threat which obtained from the calculations are bargaining power of consumers is very high with scores of 0.220. The merging of two external factors resulted in a total average score of 2.474. IE matrix analysis determines the position of UD. Karangjati Furniture in cell V which called as hold and maintain strategy.
SWOT analysis produced eight alternative strategies based on IE matrix. In the end, according to the processing of QSPM, produces the priority strategy that can be applied by company. The priority strategy is doing evaluate and study about the ability of company in facing the competition with a total score of TAS is 6.594.