Blackberry internet service is currently interested in people who use blackberry. Number of service providers that offer a wide variety of services with different attractive price. The dominant factors of service quality must be measured to find the main factors which influence the blackberry internet service users. Services can be a competitive advantage for service providers.
In order to find the influence of the dominant factors to choose the blackberry internet service, quantitative analysis is preferred to choose because it can reflect the dominant factors based on numerical measurements. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 16.0 for the measurement of factors with factor analysis as a basis for the research methodology. Data were collected through questionnaires spread to students from the University President who lived in dormitories that are currently using blackberry internet service.
The research dimension is called TERRA (Tangible, Empathy, Reliable, Responsiveness, and Assurance), after data showed that the factors which are processed reliably is not dominant and is not considered the influence of the internet service operators.
The last the result of study the most dominant factor blackberry XL internet service is a Tangible and the lowest of dominant factor is assurance about service XL.