The Rohingya conflict that occurred in Myanmar which is conducted by military junta
has been going on for a long time. Denied citizenship, rape, violence even religion
discrimination made Rohingya have to flee to other countries and one of them, Indonesia.
Indonesia still has not ratified the 1951 UNHCR Convention relating to the status of
Refugees and its 1967 Protocol, UNHCR as an international organization has a role to
protect refugees and seek durable solutions for refugees, cooperate with Indonesia
government in order to handle refugees issues in Indonesia. To fulfill its role, UNHCR
and the Indonesian government cooperate to implement the Refugee Status
Determination (RSD) program in Indonesia. By using Neoliberal Institutionalism theory
by Robert Keohane and International Organization theory by Ian Hurd, the result of this
research is the role of UNHCR to protect Rohingya refugees by cooperate with Indonesia
government and run the roles of international organization as an actor where UNHCR has
full authority to conduct Refugee Status Program, a forum, UNHCR can a hold meeting
or conference and also a resources, UNHCR used by Indonesian government to handle
refugees‟ issue in Indonesia.