Verdya Maria Josefine, 016201400171, Indonesian Cultural Diplomacy
Through UNESCO in Winning Batik as Intangible Cultural Heritage
Advisor: Drs. Teuku Rezasyah, M.A., Ph.D & Anggara Raharyo, S.IP., MPS
Cultural diplomacy is an effort to defend for the national interests of a country
through culture, such as sports and art, which in other words are not included
in politics, economics, or the military. Indonesia is a superpower in the cultural
field because Indonesia has extraordinary advantages in national culture. This
illustrates that Indonesia has an extraordinary cultural wealth that can become
an asset of a nation, and sell value for the benefit of Indonesian diplomacy in
the international world. One of Indonesia's cultural assets is batik. Batik is one
of Indonesia's cultural wealth assets which in 2008 claimed that batik was a
culture belonging to Malaysia. the claim of Indonesian culture is not only
claimed by Malaysia once, as before, the kris and angklung have also been
claimed by Malaysia. In the end Indonesia did not remain silent in this regard,
Indonesia reclaimed batik which was a culture belonging to Indonesia. With the
help of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
called UNESCO to convert batik as an Intangible Cultural Heritage or called
ICH. In this case, Indonesia involved several countries and organizations in the
process of winning batik again.
This research was carried out in the period September 2018, until April 2019,
using a qualitative descriptive analysis method, to provide analysis from
sources obtained in the form of articles, news, books, and scientific journals.