This paper aims to find out the contribution of tourism sectors to Gross Regional Domestic Product in Sukabumi City. Tourism sectors studied in this paper consist of number of Tourist Attractions, number of Hotels, number of Hotel Guests and number of Restaurants with Regional Income
Revenue (PAD) are considered to be the intermediation of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP).
Sampling technique used was purposive sampling with primary data taken from Department of Tourism and Development Planning Agency in Sukabumi City from 2014 to 2018. The data analyses use statistical analysis of E-Views 8. The result confirms that all tourism sectors, except
number of Hotel Guests partially does not influence Regional Income Revenue. Further, Regional Income Revenue has a significant influence on Gross Regional Domestic Revenue (GRDP). Based on the result, some actions need to be implemented in order to boost the number of hotel guests coming to Sukabumi City.