In the era of globalization, there are many type of economic collaboration.
One of them are the International Joint Venture, which is a collaboration that
involving two parties from two different countries. International Joint Venture is
also plays an important role as diplomatic act in the economic field. The word
“joint” in joint venture itself made this type of collaboration has many sharing
activities, and one of them are knowledge and technology sharing. In that activity,
the researcher found the sharing that known as knowledge transfer, has positive
impact on human capital quality. Human capital in the form of soft power is the
ability of analyze, innovate, and be creative with available resources. Therefore,
there are some important component of human capital that need to be polished
and that is knowledge and skill. In the discussion section, the researcher found
that Indonesia has limited access for education. Thus, the researcher assumed that
one of the methods to overcome the problem are by searching the collaboration
partner that would provide the access. The International Joint Venture provide the
access for exclusive, impressive, and expensive knowledge through the
technologies and the system. Indirectly, these things will improve the quality
standar for local employees who works in International Joint Venture. For this
research, the researcher use the qualitative method with study case, and the result
will be analyzed with the references literature and other supportive data so the
final result will answer all the research question. The knowledge transfer can be
one of solution for government to improve the quality of human capital so the
country’s economy can grow as well.