Belt and Road Initiative is decidedly one of the major foreign policies of China in the decade. The Belt and Road Initiative created by China’s government as to implement is ‘Neighborhood Policy’ and ‘going global” strategy that aim to seek mutual economic development with its periphery countries. Yet, it is also not without consideration of China’s pursuit to achieve its national interests that come in the shape of providing China’s with sustainable domestic economic development and a way for China to gain a firmer standing in international stage from geopolitics and geo-economic stand points. In this case, Indonesia as one of a few prominent countries, and even considered as the primus inter pares of its region, holds a quite significant role in ensuring the successful implementation of Belt and Road Initiative in the region. As it is, therefore China embark in efforts to advance the Belt and Road Initiative in Indonesia, being one example is to engage in public diplomacy outreach. China’s public diplomacy can be largely grouped into three approaches; information, influence and engagement. All three approaches, as argued, are also executed in Indonesia. One of the programs under China’s public diplomacy called “Write to China” executed in 2016 and 2017 is argued in this thesis is to be an engagement approach conducted by the People’s Republic of China Embassy for the Republic of Indonesia to advance Belt and Road Initiative in Indonesia.