Urban Village is one of vital aspect on society. Maintaining the growth of the area, infrastructure and public service facilities, development of community institution, improve the stabilization of the people on the area, and also make an administrative document for people who concerned. Usually people who wants to make some administrative document have to go to the urban village office first and fulfill the requirement first before they can request the document. After requesting the document, people have to wait at least one week working hours before the document is ready. This kind of not really effective on this global era, that would be time wasted if people just came to the Urban Village Office at the first time for submitting the requirement. New ideas and has created some truly do some much more effective way that people just submit the requirement and requesting the document via online.
This thesis aims to develop an application that will help people who wants to request an administrative document from urban village by requesting and submitting the requirement online. Which let people to save time and much more efficient for people and also for the urban village officer. In order to achieve the requirements, this thesis uses Android Studio, Sublime Text Editor, Heidi SQL, Java computer language and developed in Smartphone Android Device.