The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of Social Media Marketing
through Instagram on Consumer Purchase Intention of Fashion Product in Cikarang. This
study focuses on the dimensions of Social Media Marketing, those are Context (X1),
Communication (X2), Collaboration (X3), Connection (X4) on Purchase Intention (Y). The
study population is the people who live in Cikarang. The sampling technique used in this
study is non-probability sampling with the type of purposive sampling, samples are the
people who live in Cikarang, own and use an Instagram account with a sample of 150
respondents. Based on the results of multiple linear analysis using SPSS 24.0, it shows that
the Context and Communication variables have no significant effect on consumer purchase
intention, but the Collaboration and Connection variables significantly influence consumer
purchase intention. While the results of ANOVA (simultaneously), Context,
Communication, Collaboration and Connection significantly influence the puchase
intention of fashion products through Instagram.