PT. XY is a manufacturing company that produces customized food ingredients.
As a growing company, PT. XY has a big concern on its products’ quality. In
continuously maintaining and assuring its products’ quality, PT. XY always
checks its products’ quality before they are being sent to the customer. In
maintaining the quality of its products, PT. XY set a control limit of
nonconformity and defected products found in its products, which is 5.00% of its
total products. But in real situation, it is found that the number of nonconformity
and defected products in PT.XY excess its limit and reach 6.2%. The
nonconformity and defected products occurrences due to organoleptic problem
will be reduced by using Five Whys Analysis to obtain the root cause of the
problem, then the causes of the problem will be recorded and shown in the term of
Fishbone Diagram, and the root causes will be solved using Failure Mode and
Effect Analysis (FMEA). As the result of the analysis, it is found that there are
five types of nonconformities that occur in PT. XY which are organoleptic,
quantity, physical, packaging, and labeling, with the highest number of
occurrences and seriousness level of the effect is obtained by the organoleptic
problem. Then analysis using Five Whys Analysis and FMEA method are conducted for this study. In the result of this study it is found that the application
of Five Whys Analysis and FMEA are able to reduce the number of
nonconformity and defected products in PT. XY by 69.39%.