Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine the eustress and distress of employees
during the pandemic. Method. The participants of this study were the employees who work from home
during COVID-19. Semi-structured interviews were applied to 21 employees from various public
institutions and private companies in the Jakarta area. This study is qualitative research; the choice
of this design is to study the phenomena that occur among employees when faced with a pandemic
condition and are required to change the way they work and maintain the independence of research
results. Findings. Workload, poor communication, and work pressure are types of distress experienced
by participants. The way how employees perceive and how to adapt these parameters of distress depends
on setting work priority scales. However, they also have the influence of positive stress in sharing time
with family and flextime. The participants, little by little, can divide their time and finish the work on
time. From this study, it can be concluded that most of the participants chose the work priority scale as
an essential part of this issue vital in this case. With the passage of time, the workers will be more active
in the way they solve problems. The pandemic will not end soon, but the ability to start a new life (new
normal) is a necessary to survive.
Organizational Psychology, 2022, Vol. 12, No. 2, P. 83–94. DOI: 10.17323/2312-5942-2022-12-2-83-94