PT.XYZ is FMCG company that focus in food sector with more than 1000 employee in Karawang Plant. There are several problems for Human Resource Department in managing training data such as, the current system only uses excel for storing employee training records where the mentor will write employee attendance list with A4 size paper then the admin will input employee attendance list based on the paper that has been given by the mentor to the Excel Sheet and make the process carried out in two times, the input process takes a long time because of the amount piled up data due to the a lot of attendance list paper that has not been inputted yet by the admin to the Excel sheet, and also the training plan that is not well organized so that the output issued in the form of a report is not optimal. This final project aims to improve in managing employee training data also design and develop a new training management system using Microsoft Access for employee training at PT.XYZ in Karawang Plant. This system using the System Development Life Cycle method and has four core processes including the Login process, CRUD Training and Employee Preparation, CRUD Training Plan, Training Execution and Reporting with several features that can help its user. By going through this phase, the process of managing employee training data is easy and fast because the data are integrated with each other, its more organized to save records, training plans and create the report.