With increasing public awareness of the system of human relations with the environment around, the community began to shift towards better sources and methods of helping environmental improvement. One method that is starting to be used is the application of green roof construction. Many benefits can be obtained from installing a green roof, whether it is in a house or office building. The research was conducted on the construction of a green roof that can apply, the benefits of installing a green roof, and the process carried out for roof installation green by taking a construction approach that can be applied to residential buildings urban areas, and in its efforts to reduce rainwater runoff. Green roof as one in rainwater management in urban areas. From the results of research that has been carried out, the largest retention percentage value for the volume of rain runoff based on the flow rate between conventional roofs and green roofs is found on the roof slope of 3%. The values are 38% at 250 mL/min, 35% at 350 mL/min, and 34% at 300 mL/min. From these data, it can be concluded that the average retention ability on green roofs is 35.7%. It can be concluded that the use of green roofs can reduce the discharge and volume of runoff generated by rainwater so that the resulting surface water runoff is automatically reduced. This will also reduce the burden on city drainages to collect water. The green roof can reduce the volume of water entering urban drainage. So, later the application of green roofs can be an alternative in flood management in urban areas.