The purpose of this study was to analyze taxpayer compliance at PT. II Indonesia
uses three variables: taxpayer morale, taxpayer culture, and the impact of modern
tax management systems which are used as X or independent variables. Taxpayer
Compliance, on the other hand, is a Y variable or a written variable. The
respondents of this survey are active employees of PT. II Indonesia and the QAQC
of taxpayers, as many as 60 respondents from the production and engineering
sectors, use the Sovlin formula for the survey sample. Sampling uses a target
sampling technique that is used only for certain areas and purposes. The analysis
technique used is heterogeneous dispersion test, normality test, and hypothesis
testing which is processed using SPSS software version 28. Modern tax
administration system and taxpayer morale partly. Taxpayer compliance and
taxpayer morale, taxpayer culture, and taxes to the modern tax administration