The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of city branding to investment
decision using Hexagon model. By using Hexagon model, variable used were: Presence,
Potential, Place, People, Pulse, Pre-requisites. The problem is Bekasi as a bigger population
need a stronger support by megapolitan city. This research uses quantitative research,
descriptive method and using multiple regression analysis. A total of 196 respondents were
collected, using purposive, snowball and non-probability sampling. The population people
that live in Bekasi. This City branding used to develop an identity for Bekasi and promote the
city of Bekasi who come from someones mind when seeing and hearing name or word of
Bekasi. That to be expected from this city branding of Bekasi design is creating an identity
that are very closely with the city of Bekasi that provide proud feeling towards the people
who lived in Bekasi. Result of the analysis found that the adjusted R square is 43.7% can be
explained by all the variable, whereas the remaining 56.3% of investment decision is
influenced by other variables which was not examined in this research, and result from the six
independent variable, only place factors, people factors, potential factors and pre-requities
factors have a significant influence towards investment decision in Bekasi using Hexagon