Besides being known for its mountains and beaches, Garut district is known
for its culinary diversity. The purpose of this study was to identify Garut's culinary products
that receive the attention of citizens while being able to be used as a new icon of Garut's typ-
ical culinary business. The @jajanangarut Instagram account, as the center of information
and review of Garut culinary types and centers,. was chosen as the research subject. This
research primarily used gualitative content analysis. By paying attention to 9,400 posts.as of
June 2018, the data were then filtered into 3,624 posts in the observation period January 2018—
June 2019. The results of the study found there are 10 categories of Garut culinary types,
where snacks are the most popular, with 1,178 posts, followed bynoodles and meaiballs
Understanding Digital Industry — Noviaristanti, Hanafi & Trihanondo (eds)
@ 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, London. p. 358-361.