Data accuracy, real-time computation, and improved decision-making are just a
few of the benefits of using a management information system. It facilitates
management's ability to plan, supervise, direct, and delegate work to all departments with
which it has a relationship or is in coordination. Hotel management systems are one of
the many industries where this information system has been put to use. For the purpose of
this project, I developed a website-based system to help the Sekar Arum resort that is
located in Bali cut down on human mistakes in administration and make it easier to keep
track of data for the resort. After this new normal era, the resort saw an influx of visitors
that was completely unexpected. Moreover, with the partnership of Sekar Arum Resort
and Kurnia Restaurant, there is a substantial demand for people looking for
accommodation. As an outcome of this project, with the help and support of the website,
the staff of Sekar Arum Resort and Kurnia Village may perform efficiently and
effectively during peak tourist season.