Production lead time is the period required from process initiation to completion.
Lead times that are too may long cause production process to stop entirely.
However, a lead time that is too long is a bad thing if not overcome. Every
company certainly gets shorter lead times and wants to reduce production costs.
Because in production demand 2022, the number of requests for big vessels is the
most requested by customers, the company has increased its production target in
2023 to 80 units per month. However, the highest lead time of several processes in
the fabrication process, namely Assembly X-Pro OB HD 785, is 7.8 days; This
causes the X-Pro OB HD 785 Assembly Process not to reach the target every
month because the target achieved in the current process is only 53 products per
month while the target requested by the company is 80 units of product per
month. By adopting the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) method, it can identify the
problems that occur and how to solve them. This will reduce production lead
times by changing several work processes, including Replacing the grinding stone
with higher specifications, Changing the welding method from Solid wire to the
Fluxcore Method, creating workload division standards, and detailing operator
work process activities. The Improvements were made to reduce the lead time to
3.3 days and increase capacity unit per month to 80 units.