Stock price is not only influenced by their intrinsic value but is also closely
related to macroeconomic factors. However, due to the relative independence of
the stock market, stock market fluctuations have their unique patterns, so there
may be inconsistencies between stock market fluctuations and economic
fluctuations. With the gradual improvement of China's stock market, it is
necessary to discuss stock market volatility and macroeconomic factors to find a
more realistic relationship between them. This study uses a multiple linear
repetition method to study the stock price data related to the China Shanghai
Stock Exchange Composite(SSE) Index from 2018 to 2023. The data were
processed using SPSS version 26. The results show that money supply has a
significant positive effect on China SSE stock price, exchange rate has a
significant negative effect on China SSE stock price, and GDP, interest rate, and
inflation have no significant effect on China SSE.