A door as an access to a room and meant to give protection for what inside. As time goes on, a lot of methods has been implemented into a door in order to increase the security level of the door. A knock is an action done to a certain area which produces vibration and sound. This knock can be used to increase the security system of a door lock by using a piezo sensor. Piezo sensor receives vibration and converts it into electrical signal. The piezo sensor is connected to the microcontroller. A knock done by every people to a door has a different pattern which means different timing in every pattern done. This pattern can be used as a standard for the piezo sensor to detect a correct knock. This final project concentrates in designing a prototype of knock based door security system that will work as an integrated system of micro servo equipped with a piezo sensor and a knock as the key. The system also equipped with a limit switch that is responsible to lock the door automatically whenever the door touches the limit switch.