This project is entitled ―Manually and Remotely Controlled Power Outlets with Password using Arduino Mega 2560 and GPRS Shield‖. The main objective of this project is to create a new design power outlet which can be controlled by password or by SMS. These outlets can be controlled manually by inputting the correct password via keypad and remotely by sending a text message to the outlets. The text message contains a unique password for each outlet. Thus, by using the relay, the electric current from the outlets will not flow unless the correct password is inputted or sent via SMS. The password used in this project is a 4-digit unique password for each outlet. This project uses Arduino Mega 2560 as the microcontroller. This project also includes two power outlets and LEDs, LCD, keypad, power supply, and GPRS shield. The SMS system is created by the help of GPRS shield. By using this type of outlets, parents do not need to worry their toddlers play outlets. Another function is people can control their own outlets so not anybody can use their outlets without their permission.