Leasing is not a new phenomenon. The benefits from leasing are that a company can run their bussiness with some supporting equipment for their business without actually owned that. It means that during the lease payment period, bussinessman can gain income from that leaseable equipment.
Indonesian companies especially in leasing, run their business under current
accounting standards. International Accounting Standards (IAS) 17: Leases regulated the appropriate accounting policies and disclosure to apply in relation to leases. The adoption of IAS 17 under IFRS to Indonesian PSAK 30: Sewa (Leases) especially in operating leases, affects to the revenue recognition of the company, the classification of the leases, the measurement models, and the presentation of the assets for leases in financial reporting.
In order to construct a research regarding to the implementation of this standard, qualitative method is the best way to identify and evaluate this implementation. Within qualitative research, significant evidences must be collected, produce findings that were not determined in advance and applicable beyond the immediate boundaries of the research. By qualitative research method, the researcher will provide complex descriptions of how the implementation of PSAK 30: Sewa (Leases) influences the company financial reporting, decision-making in the company and the impact to Indonesia economy. During this research, participant observation, in-depth interviews,
and focus groups became the best way to gather the significant information and
evidences. The impact of the adoption of IAS 17 under IFRS to PSAK 30 in Indonesia companies can affect to the classification of leases from the previous standard. Different classification can have a profound effect on how a leases is reflected within the financial statements.
This research is recommended and very useful for many financial statements’
user, internal or external management, creditor, government, customer, academician, investor, accountant, auditor, college students, lecturer with related-studies in Economics especially in Accounting and Finance, and other related parties.