PT XYZ has collaboration with bank XYZ that provide the employee with mobile banking system, most of employee still are not using mobile banking, they trust manual transaction rather than use mobile banking. This study is aimed to analyze the influence of Perceived Value, Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Behavioral Control towards Mobile Banking Adoption in PT XYZ. This research using Quantitative Method and primary data based on the questionnaire distributed to the employee of PT XYZ. The number of respondent in this research are 79 employees who not adopt mobile banking. The analysis of this research is using multiple regression analysis, with the significant level of α (0.10), the result of multiple regression analysis shows that Perceived Value have significant influence toward mobile banking adoption, Perceived Ease of Use have no significant influence toward mobile banking adoption and Perceived Behavioral Control have significant influence toward mobile banking adoption. The adjusted R2 is .697 (69.7%), which means three independent variables are influencing on mobile banking adoption, while the rest percentage, which is 23.3% is influenced by other such as Perceived Trust, Social Influence and Perceived Financial Cost.