The role of the human resource in the organization is very important, because
none of the existing resource in the organization is apart from the human resource management. The company makes the quality development of the employee by pay attention to the employee job satisfaction. Employee job satisfaction may also be perceived as a positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences. This research is aim to find the factors that has a correlation with employee job satisfaction and the strength of the correlation itself in staff level at PT. Robert Bosch in Indonesia. The study on the topic of employee job satisfaction may gain a depth understanding about the factor that has a correlation with employee job satisfaction, company organization structure, and the organizational behavior in the company. By studying this, the company is expected to improving, maintaining and increasing the employee job satisfaction. In this research, the researcher will focus on 9 variables of job satisfaction from Gilmer and limit the respondent up to 56 respondents that has been working in staff level at PT. Robert Bosch in Indonesia for minimum 1 year. The analysis method that is used in this research is spearman rank correlation and correlation determination. The result that is obtained based on the spearman rank correlation test results indicates that the entire variable has a significance and positive correlation with employee job satisfaction. The correlation result of the entire variable with job satisfaction ranging from the strongest to the weakest are social aspect in the work, communication, supervision, intrinsic factor from the job (the work itself), job security, promotion, salary, facility and working condition.